Hey Linda, can I get a follow to help my notes visibility with other authors? If I understand the system right, which I might not, authors notes are visible to their followers and their follower's followers. If so, I may have an easier time connecting with other authors that way.

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Is there a way to easily set up a subscription page on substack to drive traffic from social ads too? I've been experimenting with ads and found it's easy to get people to the site - but subscriptions is low. I'd like to drive them to a designated subscribe page with some sort of reward or benefit from subscribing.

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Hi Linda, thanks for this post and all your support of Substack Finance writers! I would like to discuss a potential third party integration for book authors who publish newsletters on Substack and want to use one of their published books as a giveaway incentive to generate new subscribers. Full disclosure, I am a happy customer of the service, so this is a referral idea not a sales pitch. Please reach out to me at your convenience. Best, David J. Waldron, Quality Value Investing.

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Thanks for sharing!

Would be curious to know how buttons with and without caption compare in terms of conversion rate?

Also a suggestion: Adding something like *cancel anytime* in fine print below the button could make sense (I've put it above, but it’s not ideal)

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How did you add that subscribe button at the top of your newsletter?

Thanks in advance,

- Substack Writer

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Thanks for writing this, Linda!

Is there a way to change the default captions for the button for all posts?

I curate top Climate news stories from around the globe everyday - could I get a follow so more people find the publication? Thank you!

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Just started my substack a couple weeks ago ! Your newsletter is excellent. I am trying to get followers now to grow visibility and traction with mine!

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Is there a way to disable this button?

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Morning. How can I add a subscribe or upgrade to paid button to a segment of my site? I know how to do it into a post, but how do I do it in the short description. That is Settings > Basics > Short description. I can see others have a button here, like this: https://www.bigtechnology.com/ How can I add one too.

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Thanks for sharing this.

I am hesitant to pepper people with the Subscribe button.

I am curious to see what percentage of subscriptions come from the subscribe button in posts and what from prompts - does Substack have such data on hand to share?

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Hi Linda!!!

Sorry to bother, is there a limit on how many people I can follow on substack?

It looks like the follow button doesn’t work for me.

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Thanks for this. New to Substack! One question: I noticed when I go to Substack Home, on most posts there people have a little "subscribe" link right beneath their name. I cannot seem to figure out how to do that. Any help?

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Hi Linda, I'm a newbie and enjoying your help articles. Are these buttons the same thing as "Subscribe prompts on post pages" under Settings? I want to ensure prompts aren't plopped in the middle of posts, it's a bit distracting to the reader and breaks the flow. If I toggle off the subscribe prompts does this preclude using buttons?

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